To reset your password you must go to the front page of the web app:
On the login screen you will be able to reset your password, by pressing the “Forgot or reset your password?” link below the log in button.
Next, type your email address in the field and press “New password”.
Click the link in the mail that you receive from the system.
Type your new password and retype to confirm.


From web application it’s possible to view, rename and delete files and folders.

When the mouse is moved over the file, a menu is shown to the left of the file name.
If it’s possible to view the file a profile icon is shown and you have the possibility to view files immediately to check them before downloading.

When you click “view” the file will open up in a new tab in your browser.

You can easily rename files and even delete them. It’s also posible to undelete files

With “read” rights you’re not allowed to rename and delete.


You can upload files to your shares directly from the web application

Navigate to the share/ folders you want to upload the file to.

Click “Upload” in the top menu and a popup is shown

Files can be uploaded in 2 different ways
1. Click the button “Add Files”
2. Or drag and drop the files

1. Click the button “Add Files”
Choose the files you want to upload from your explore, upload will start and your file will be uploaded

2. Drag and drop
Take your file and drop it into the dotted field

When you have finished the upload, close the popup with click on the gray cross in upper right corner

Please note you cannot drag and drop folders.


Updating User Profile:
1. Login to the webclient.
2. Go to the User Profile.
3. Edit your information.
4. Click on the newly appeared save button
5. Your user profile is now updated.

Update Profile Picture:
1. Login to the webclient.
2. Go to the User Profile.
3. Click on the picture.
4. Select your new picture.
5. Edit which part of the picture to select (only if its larger than what is accepted) and click ok.
6. Click on the newly appeared save button.
7. Your profile picture is now updated.

(Note: both parts can be updated at the same time.)


As a new feature, you now have the chance to share a subfolder.
This will give you the chance to share a folder on your share with others, without giving them access to the entire share.

You will need to be share owner in order to make subfolder-sharing.
You can’t add Groups to a subfolder-share

How do I share a subfolder?
First you will need to login on the web-client and locate the folder on your share
1. Right click or click on the folder and choose “Share folder as”
2. Enter the name which will be visable for those you share the folder with and press save
3. A new window will show and you can assign users or invite new users to the new created subfolder share, just like you would have done if it was a normal share
4. Now will the folder you just shared, show a different icon and in the section “shared with” can you see who you shared the folder with

How do I edit the subfolder share?
When you want to edit the subfolder share you will need to login to the web-client again and locate the folder you shared
1. Right click or click on the share and choose “Edit share”
From here can you remove users, assign more, change name or delete the subfolder share.


You can from the Web-client also share your data-share with others.
Go to the sharelist and click/or right click the file, a menu/ or pop-up is shown and from here, you are able to share the share.

It will redirect you to a new page (share settings) where you can depending on your user status, invite new users or existing users to the share.

If the user not is shown on the list, start typing name in the “Search / Add user” field.

If the user is a new user (never been using you will have to click “Invite user” in the top menu.

If you share with an user who is not using the system already, the user has to activate his/hers account before using the share.

If you are an external user, you are not allowed to share the data further.